JOEL FAMULARO The ‘Film Looks’ for FX6 – Phantom LUTs – Video Assets – Effects, Templates, Plugin, Transitions, LUTs : Look up table GOLD
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With Phantom LUTs, they will help you save a ton of time making them work with your edits.
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JOEL FAMULARO The ‘Film Looks’ for FX6 Information:
The ‘Film Look’ LUT Pack contains 5 LUTs inspired by real film stocks designed to give your A7s3 & Fx6 Footage the Film Look. The emulations are based on my own research and subjective impressions of the film stocks listed.
The 5 LUTs Described Below:
LUT 1) ‘Vision’ – Modelled on Kodak Vision 5274
- Shot on: The Matrix, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Gladiator
- The most colour accurate stock with accurate blues, slightly cool greens, accurate skin tones which slightly skew pink/gold
- Strong contrast and filmic subtractive colour model in saturation
- Gentle roll off and rich, smooth fall off in shadows
- Skews green in shadow areas and when underexposed
- Classic film character but less stylised than any other stock
LUT 2) ‘Eastman’ – Modelled on Kodak Eastman 5247
- Shot on: Apocalypse Now, Bladerunner, Alien, ET
- Vintage, dated Kodak look and feel.
- Saturation strongest in mids and falls off in shadows and highlights.
- Greens skew warm, blues slightly turquoise, gold/pink skin-tones.
- Smoother contrast than modern stocks.
LUT 3) ‘Vision Teal’ – Variation on Kodak Vision 5274 (LUT# 1)
- Subtle Orange/Teal colour scheme.
- More stylised version of ‘#1 Vision’. Less realistic – ‘prettier’.
- Greens are slightly warmer, blues slightly turquoise and skin more golden.
- Overall lift in saturation and contrast compared to ‘Vision’ but still balanced.
- Can elevate a dull scene with its look but not overpower a rich scene.
LUT 4) ‘Eterna’ – Modelled on Fuji Eterna 8563
- Shot on: Captain Phillips, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, The Butler
- Overall smoother contrast and rolloff compared to Kodak.
- Rich but not overpowering colours and saturation characteristics.
- My go-to for Fashion and Beauty but can work with almost anything.
- Very flattering skin-tones.
- Greens are cool and rich, skin is golden, blues skew turquoise and modern, colour accurate yellows compared to Kodak.
LUT 5) ‘Bleach’ – Modelled on Fujifilm Super F 8552
- Shot on: Munich, War of The Worlds, Crash
- Modelling the Bleach Bypass process for strong contrast and low saturation.
- Aggressive, gritty look – halfway between black and white and colour film.
- Great for War Films, Crime, Urban Fashion.
- Works especially well with heavy film grain.
JOEL FAMULARO The ‘Film Looks’ for FX6 Updated 1/2022
JOEL FAMULARO Phantom LUTs for Sony A7s3 & FX6 newest update:
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