Free download for GOLD Members – HumanVideoCo – POPCORN TITLES
Take your video editing to the next level for free with HumanVideoCo – POPCORN TITLES. Discover the best tools for enhancing your projects without breaking the bank. You can download editing materials like this for free, including video assets like Effects, Templates, Plugin, Transitions, and LUTs for most popular video editing software like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effect, and Davinci Resolve Editing Assets at Explore the features of HumanVideoCo – POPCORN TITLES and find out how they can enhance your video editing projects. Read now for expert insights and recommendations.
Product feature:
25 Static cinematic titles for DaVinci Resolve, Premiere Pro & After Effects.
Unbelievably easy to install.
Then simply drag & drop onto your timeline.
Fully customizable including details and icons.
In DaVinci it’s a double click to install all of the titles in one go. For Premiere it’s as a simple drag and drop.
Easily change colors, fonts, text and all sorts of juicy details with the click of a button, in a matter of seconds, even if you have very little editing experience!
It’s almost too easy.
Download link is available for members only
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